Frequently Asked Questions

Originally Compiled by Jason Newquist
Maintained and Hosted by Wes Stone <>

Version 2.4, March 26, 2005
The Discovery-Dob-Users Mailing List
Table of Contents

FAQ Information

   * Version Information
   * Contributors
   * Disclaimer
   * Corrections and Updates

Section 1: The Mailing List

1.1) What is DDU?
1.2) What types of things can I talk about on DDU?
1.3) I've got an administrative question.  Who do I talk to?
1.4) Is there a website for the group?
1.5) What's with these advertisements in my DDU emails?

Section 2: Telescope Selection

2.1) Before You Do Anything Else...
2.2) What is a Dobsonian telescope, or Dob?
2.3) Why should I choose Discovery?
2.4) What are the differences between DHQ and Premium DHQ?
2.5) Is the Premium DHQ worth the extra money, over the DHQ?
2.6) Can I customize my order?
2.7) Can I special order a hybrid telescope?
2.8) What's the deal with Discovery telescope lead times?
2.9) Where can I read some reviews about Discovery telescopes?

Section 3: Collimation

3.1) How do I collimate my Dobsonian telescope?
3.2) Should I use a laser collimator?  What about Discovery's laser collimator?
3.3) Should I spot my secondary?

Section 4: Digital Setting Circles

4.1) What are Digital Setting Circles, or DSCs?
4.2) Should I consider buying DSCs?
4.3) Are there any reviews of the Discovery DSC kit?
4.4) Is the Discovery DSC kit my only option?
4.5) My DSCs don't seem to be working correctly...

Section 5: Other Questions

5.1) What kinds of eyepieces should I use with my telescope?
5.2) What are some popular modifications for Discovery sonotube Dobs?
5.3) Does Discovery ship outside the United States?
5.4) What other mailing lists might I be interested in?

Version Information
  * Version 2.4, March 26, 2005
         * Addressed discontinuation of DHQ line.
         * Fixed or removed broken links throughout site.
         * Added a link about barlowed lasers to the "Collimation" section.
         * Added text and links to the "Digital Setting Circles" section.
  * Version 2.3, April 11, 2003
         * Added more on the issue of long lead times
         * Added a paragraph about competitive scopes to the "Why Should I Choose Discovery?" section.
         * Added a little bit to the section on eyepieces
         * Added a blurb and link on collimation with a Barlowed laser.
  * Version 2.2, February 24, 2003
         * At the request of the group, revised the "What is DDU" section so that readers are less likely to
           think that we're taking over Discovery, the company. :)
         * Made a slight change to the "Can I Customize My Order?" question.
  * Version 2.1, February 23, 2003
         * Wes Stone took over compiler/maintainer role.
         * FAQ moved to Wes's site on Homestead.
         * Minor formatting changes and typo corrections.
         * Removed broken links.
         * Updated some Discovery info.
         * Weighed in on PDHQ v. DHQ, secondary spotting, and DSCs :).
  * Version 1.2, February 6, 2002
         * Divided the monolith into several smaller documents for easier download.
         * Added Digital Setting Circles section.
         * Added contributions from Dirk Thayer, Don D'Egidio, Fred Kiesche, and Dave Grimmer.
         * Added link to Discovery's own FAQ.
   * Version 1.1, February 5, 2002
         * Added "How do I collimate my Dobsonian telescope?" question.
         * Formatting change to the list of beginner's resources, and added the Telescope Buyer's FAQ.
         * Added Rich Dodson's comment about secondary mirror size customization.
         * Added Rich Dodson's comment about astrophotography with Dobs.
         * Added Penny's comment about email ads.
         * Consolidated Dob information into its own question.
         * Added several new reviews.
         * Wording changes to the laser collimator question.
   * Version 1.0, February 4, 2002
         * Added Penny's DDU web page.
         * Initial release.


What follows is a list of people who have contributed material to this FAQ, either directly or by granting permission to redistribute their words in this document.  Thank you, FAQ contributors!

   * Rich Dodson
   * Don D'Egidio
   * Penny Fischer-Otte
   * Dave Grimmer
   * Fred Kiesche
   * Dirk Thayer


This FAQ is not endorsed by Discovery Telescopes, Incorporated.  Please visit Discovery's site for official information on the company's products.

[Jason Newquist's Disclaimer]
  This FAQ should provided by me, Jason Newquist, and contains opinions.  I have attempted to represent
  as many popular opinions as possible, but representing the whole group is impossible.  Therefore, this
  document is not intended to speak for the entire DDU community.

  I have identified portions of the text that others have submitted to this document, or have given me
  permission to use.  All individuals maintain the copyright of their words. All paragraphs not explicitly
  quoted as being someone else's words are my own.

  This document may not be redistributed without the compiler's permission.

With the change in compilers, I will stay as true to Jason's format as possible.  I will try to note where I have made substantive additions or revisions to Jason's original text, and sign my name to it.  Unattributed contents are probably Jason's words, but they could be mine :-).  --Wes Stone, 2/23/03

Corrections and Updates

Contributions including new text, new questions/answers, and other opinions are always welcome.  Especially let me know if you find broken links or other errors.  My email address is  I will get around to your requests as soon as possible.

About once a month, I plan to issue a call for submissions on the Discovery-Dob-Users group. 

Wes Stone
Chiloquin, OR
10" f/4.5 DHQ
Check out my general astronomy page at