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1.1) What is DDU?
1.2) What types of things can I talk about on DDU?
1.3) I've got an administrative question. Who do I talk to?
1.4) Is there a website for the group?
1.5) What's with these advertisements in my DDU emails?
1.1) What is DDU?
[Penny Fischer-Otte] Discovery Dob-Users Group is an international group of amateur astronomers who use Dobsonian telescopes. Specifically, we are users, owners, or prospective owners of the commercial Dobsonian reflectors made by Discovery Telescopes, Inc. The group was formed in February 2001 and has been a strong presence in the Yahoo Group amateur astronomy lineup ever since.
1.2) What types of things can I talk about on DDU?
[Penny Fischer-Otte] The group for talking about Discovery Telescopes, featuring the best Dobsonians scopes being made. This group is the place! Enjoy technical and non-technical discussions. Share your experiences and ask your questions about owning and using Discovery Dobsonian Telescopes. Talk about what you see and where you take your scopes, from faint fuzzies to splitting tight doubles.
1.3) I've got an administrative question. Who do I talk to?
The group moderator is Penny Fischer-Otte. She created the list on February 2, 2001. She organizes things and keeps things rolling, and has made herself available to answer questions and address issues which are important to the continuing health of the group.
1.4) Is there a website for the group?
Penny has created a DDU web page that explains the list in more detail, and has subscription information.
We also tend to use the DDU Yahoo Group's web area, which includes the list archives, polling features, a membership roster, chat facilities, a file posting area, a bookmarks section, a group calendar, and a pictures database. It's all we've ever needed, so far. And it doesn't cost us a dime.
1.5) What's with these advertisements in my DDU emails?
Remember how I mentioned that we get all this stuff for free -- web sites, file space, polling features, and so forth? Well, in order to help pay for this, Yahoo Groups puts ads in email messages, and inserts them into the email archives, too.
[Penny Fischer-Otte] If you set your subscription up to receive email, and then have your email program set to NOT receive HTML, you get a very slimmed-down version of advertisements. In other words, you get a short little text drizzle at the end of the message, but no resource-gulping graphics.
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