The Discovery-Dob-Users Mailing List

Frequently Asked Questions

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Section 5: Other Questions

5.1) What kinds of eyepieces should I use with my telescope?
5.2) What are some popular modifications for Discovery sonotube Dobs?
5.3) Does Discovery ship outside the United States?
5.4) What other mailing lists might I be interested in?

5.1) What kinds of eyepieces should I use with my telescope?

Oh, crud. This is a big question. I'll have to write a lot on this one when I get around to it.

Discovery ships standard eyepieces with its PDHQ telescopes. Sometimes eyepiece packages or kits are thrown in for free or offered at a discount. Many people enjoy memorable views through basic Plossl eyepieces, but many others claim that these eyepieces are of generally poor quality relative to other eyepieces available in today's market.

The answer to this question is probably no different, in principle, than it is for any other telescope: get the best selection of the best eyepieces you can afford.

Discovery is a dealer for several eyepiece lines including Tele Vue. Tele Vue eyepieces are considered in the hobby to be among the very best commercial eyepieces available to the amateur astronomer, and a Discovery matched with TeleVue eyepieces is a very fine optical system.  However, the proviso remains: you should have a range of eyepieces which allow you to enjoy objects in a variety of useful magnifications.  Having an array of "merely good" eyepieces may be very superior, in practice, to having only one excellent eyepiece.  You may disagree. 

Here are a couple of personal choices for upgrades on a budget. I would choose a 30mm Celestron Ultima or Orion Ultrascopic eyepiece or a 32mm TeleVue Plossl for low power. Get a 15mm Ultrascopic, Antares "Plossl", or TeleVue Plossl and a 10mm Ultrascopic/Antares. Add a 2x Orion Ultrascopic or TeleVue Barlow, and you'll have good power coverage. This is for an f/6 scope. With an f/5 scope, you might want to hold the top end down to a smaller exit pupil with something like a 25mm. If the budget is less severe, the 24mm or 27mm Tele Vue Panoptics are widely considered to be winners. --Wes Stone There's a lot of advice on this question from other sources, too:

5.2) What are some popular modifications for Discovery's tube Dobs?

Here are some that popular modifications that I'm aware of:

5.3) Does Discovery ship outside the United States?

It has in the past, yes.  We recommend you call them directly and ask for details.

5.4) What other astronomy forums might I be interested in?

There are several.

Less directly relevant to Discovery, but still interesting to people like us:

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